This application is a tool for adding charts to Java based GIS like Map Object, Java Edition or any other Java application for which charts are desired. The tool is written in Java, and easily integrates with Java apps. The tool allows the user to select a field from a .dbf file, e.g. as part of a shapefile, and produce pie charts, vertical bar charts or horizontal bar charts, with an option for sorting the data. Code to access a dbf file is publicly accessible code due to Kumar, Anil K. as part of JavaDBF Library Tutorial.
Please view the Readme file below for instructions on installing the charting tool on your system. There is an executable jar file version, and a source version for CS537.
ReadMe Doc
Download the zipfile from the link below. Extract the zip file to a folder (unzip it), following the instructions in the ReadMe.doc above. The download can take a few minutes.
To download the zipfile for the jarfile click the following link.
ChartTool zip fileTo download source code for cs537, click on the following link. This is the big block you need at the end of a MOJO application, as well as import lines to add to the import lines in your application. See the User Manual below for the rest of the instructions.
CS537 chart code, as .rar fileThe documentation of the software can be found here.
User Manual