Program 2 CS 320 Reread the Policy statement at the beginning of the class notes; you MUST do your own work on all assignments and programs. The file ~cs320/calendar will contain all published deadlines, including occasional extra credit deadlines. You will need use the p2.dws file that you copied and modifed when you did Assignment 2. The material you want graded MUST be in ~/Two/p2.dws in your account on edoras by the due date to receive any credit for Program 2. Every programming assignment for this class must be developed and run on edoras ...except for this one. For Program 2, you have the option of developing this on your home machine, and then transferring the workspace to edoras (by the deadline) for grading. You'll begin by using the same p2.dws that you edited for Assignment 2. That P2 workspace contains more than just the ident function that you edited: there are other convenient functions and variables (MAKE_DECK, MAKE_HANDS, HAND1 and HAND2). If you need to fetch a fresh copy of p2.dws from the ~cs320 directory, don't forget to edit the ident function and insert your name again! It's possible to just use dyalog on edoras and edit the p2.dws file there, but it will probably be more convenient to work on a local copy, and ship it back and forth to edoras. CAUTION: This is a binary file, not a text file. It will be mangled if you transfer it in ASCII mode. Therefore, when using sftp to move the file, make sure you do: Secure File Transfer Client --> Operation --> File Transfer Mode --> Binary that you get the un-mangled version! Once you have a copy of the P2 workspace in your preferred location, fire it up and issue the command: )load p2 gain access to the functions/variables I have defined in this workspace. (If you're not in the correct directory, you may need to specify a full pathname rather than just 'p2'.) The MAKE_DECK function in the P2 workspace is the same one shown on Page 123 of the lecture notes; it creates a deck of 52 cards. HAND1 and HAND2 are variables containing two particular ways these cards might be shuffled. Type: HAND1 see a printout of one of these shuffled decks. (The MAKE_HANDS function is provided to conveniently regenerate HAND1 and HAND2, in case you somehow blow them away during your experiments.) To figure out how to type the crazy characters, you may want to keep Page 118 of the lecture notes in front of you -- but you could instead go to to find that picture. You'll probably try typing various expressions and experiment for a while, from the command line rather than directly typing code into your function. In this case, you can use the uparrow to go to a previous line and hit enter: the interpreter will copy the line to the bottom of your screen, then execute it. (And you can even go up and edit that previous line before hitting enter.) After you have created/edited your line[s] of code (remember you get into the editor with something like )ed DEAL and later hit 'Escape' to exit the editor (which will 'fix' your definition). 'fix' means the definition will be remembered momentarily, while this workspace is active. CAUTION: if you just typed )off now, your work will be lost! To preserve the changes you've made to the workspace, make sure you first type )save or )save SomeNewName before you exit APL. (Making lots of new workspaces is definitely a good idea, in case something goes wrong with your latest attempt; just go back and load the last sane version and start from there.) WHAT TO PROGRAM: Your program2 will modify the P2 workspace and define two functions related to a version of the card game 'rummy'. The first (DEAL) one will be relatively easy, and make a good 'warm-up' project, since the main tricks you need are explained in detail as part of the discussion of POKER_DEAL in the notes. In order of increasing complexity, you will: (1) create a function called DEAL which will [randomly] 'deal out' two 'piles' of N cards each, where N is the [right-hand] argument given to DEAL, specifying the number of cards in each hand. For example, DEAL 15 might return: JT982AKQT98T834 SSSSSHHHHHHDDDC AKQ7657427JT987 SSSSSSHHHDCCCCC DEAL will return a different result each time; the above is just a sample. In the above example, you MUST return a 2x2x15 character array (N=15 columns for the individual cards, 2 rows each (the upper for the face values and the lower for the suits), and two 'planes', one for each hand. The blank line shown above naturally occurs when APL prints 3-dimensional objects; those blank lines separate the planes. Each hand should be sorted by suit (Spades on the left, then Hearts, then Diamonds, and Clubs on the right). Within each suit, the cards should be arranged in descending order (AKQJT98765432). Make sure you get line [0] of your function right: if DEAL merely prints a value rather than *returns* a value, you won't be able to call DEAL from within SCORE. You can quickly verify if you've done it right via: (rho) DEAL 15 When you use the rho operator, the dimensions reported should be 2 2 15 fix it if you have the wrong shape. (And if you get an error message, that means DEAL did not return anything: remember, it has to RETURN a value, not just print a value. See line 0 of POKER_DEAL in the tutorial for the correct syntax to use. EXTRA CREDIT (Make sure you edit ident to reflect this!): You can go over 100% if you ensure DEAL's input parameter makes sense: typing DEAL 'A' or DEAL 30 should cause a USAGE: message to be printed. [DEAL 30 doesn't make sense because you can't deal 60 (=2x30) cards from a 52-card deck.] Similarly, DEAL 'fifteen' would cause a domain error if not caught. (You can still score 100% on the project if you ignore the range checking; this is strictly extra credit.) [Caution: the 'Data Representation' system function can help you figure out if you've gotten the wrong type of input, but Dyalog handles this differently than does APLX, so instead look in the online Dyalog manual for guidance here.] Finally, ensure that DEAL is given a scalar (not something with dimensions!). Generally, your APL functions should not need any of the traditional programming constructs, such as loops or 'if' statements; the above extra-credit checks are one of the few exceptions to this principle. (2) create a SCORE function, which will accept input in the form that DEAL returns (that is, a 2x2xN character array) and 'decorate' this with labels (one for each player, which we will call PLAYER1 and PLAYER2). Your SCORE function will additionally report the 'points' each hand is worth [which is nominally just the number of cards in the runs; but a fancier scoring scheme, available for extra credit, is described later], right-justified below the label. The runs that generate the points should be displayed to the right of the hand, separated by [single] spaces. Officially, a 'run' is a sequence of three or more consecutive cards in the same suit. The format should look like: PLAYER1 JT982AKQT98T834 JT98 AKQ T98 10 SSSSSHHHHHHDDDC SSSS HHH HHH PLAYER2 AKQ7657427JT987 AKQ 765 JT987 11 SSSSSSHHHDCCCCC SSS SSS CCCCC The blank lines naturally occur when APL prints 3-dimensional objects; those blank lines separate the planes. However, you might find it easier to print a pair of 2-dimensional arrays one after the other, with an explicit blank line between them [since the number of columns will likely vary; to make it 3-D, you'd have to pad the shorter rows with additional spaces]. Remember, the output of DEAL *MUST* be three-dimensional, but the output of SCORE can be two-dimensional if you prefer. Actually, putting those spaces in between the run in the sample above is a bit tricky So, a full-credit answer need only have two vertical columns of spaces, and can look like: PLAYER1 JT982AKQT98T834 JT98AKQT98 10 SSSSSHHHHHHDDDC SSSSHHHHHH PLAYER2 AKQ7657427JT987 AKQ765JT987 11 SSSSSSHHHDCCCCC SSSSSSCCCCC ...but you will get extra credit if you can (gracefully!) insert the columns that separate the runs. Some of the ways you can convince APL to put things together will print with a gap of more than one column of blanks. That will be considered just as good as the above single column separation. OK, how will you pick out these runs? Dealing with the character data is rather unfriendly, so you most likely will want to convert the cards back to numbers. Recall that in the tutorial, the original deck of cards was represented by the numbers 1 (for the 2 of clubs) through 52 (for the ace of spades). Generally, the numeric values 'next' to each other represented cards that were 'next' to each other (e.g., cards 11, 12 and 13 were the queen, king, and ace of clubs). But in the original numerical ordering, there were some exceptions: card 14 was the 2 of diamonds, which really should not be 'next' to card 13 (since it was not even in the same suit). So, when reassigning a new ordering, you might use 1 through thirteen for the clubs, but the diamonds should be 'far away', e.g., 101 through 113, and so on. The dyadic form of iota (index-of, pages 50-51 of the .pdf file) could be quite useful here. Once you have a nice numbering system, review how we used the diadic form of -/ in the tutorial (on the SQ variable) to compute the differences. Adjacent face cards in the same suit will differ by just 1; if adjacent *pairs* occur, then you have [at least] three in a row. Note that if you start with 15 cards, -/ will generate 14 differences; so you will want to massage the result to restore the right 'size'. You won't really care how far away pairs of cards are; you just care whether the spacing is 1 or not-a-1. So, 2-/ will help you generate a bitmask of the runs of consecutive cards. (Sort of; if you have a run of five cards, it will show you where the first four are.) An expression like (-2)>/ can help find the 'missing one'. [more easily represented as -2>/ as long as you use the correct form of '-' (the raised dash on the '2' key, not the dash used for subtraction)]. However, the 'deficient bitmask' may well have some single ones in it (which represents only a run of 2, which we want to ignore, since only runs of 3 or more count). So, you most likely should eliminate those 'lone ones' before trying to find the 'missing ones'. The find operator (an underscored epsilon; page 65 in the .pdf file) can be helpful here. Up to this point (where you have calculated the proper bitmask to apply), a full credit answer needs to have done this in parallel (that is, your bitmask has two rows, one for each hand). But when it's time to actually apply that bitmask, it's fine to separate the top row from the bottom row and apply the compress operator separately to each bitmask. Your SCORE function should accept a left and a right argument, but we will often ignore the right argument. The left argument is a 2x2xN character array; a typical invocation would be: HAND1 SCORE 0 or (DEAL 18) SCORE 0 The sample shown earlier is the correct output for HAND1 SCORE 0 . [In this context, we'll be ignoring the right-hand '0' argument: that is, HAND1 SCORE 5 and HAND1 SCORE 99 should give the same answer; we'll see a use for that second argument later.] You'll probably want to use one of the variants of Format (Pages 99-100 of ~cs320/APLX_Language_Manual.pdf) to turn the numbers you generate into the proper-sized character strings, to make them easier to align in the proper columns. Like most APL operators, your SCORE function will have monadic behavior as well as dyadic behavior. In particular, if you have no left argument, as in: SCORE 15 ...then SCORE should behave as though you had said: (DEAL 15) SCORE 0 (that is, if score is not given a hand to score, it should generate a hand of the specified size and score that [random] hand). The Dyalog implementation of APL requires that you use {} around left argument to SCORE to make it optional, That is, the first line of SCORE should be of the form {A} SCORE B ; local; variable; list; Page 29 of ~cs320/APLX_Language_Manual.pdf shows the magic syntax for testing if a function has been invoked with two or only one parameter (by checking if the 'name classification' of the left-hand dummy variable is zero, and if so, branching to the line labeled 'START'). Remember, it's perfectly fine to 'reuse' such code verbatim, as long as you include a citation (e.g., "as per Page 29 of APLX_Language_Manual.pdf"). Actually, you don't want to use it verbatim -- they use an 'equal' (above the 5) where their logic indicates that they really wanted 'not-equal' (above the 8); the more recent version of the manual corrects this. This is the one other place where an 'if' branching statement is acceptable in your project. (Everything else should be done in parallel, "the APL way": no branching, no loops!) Well, almost 'all in parallel': toward the end of SCORE, when it is time to designate which columns should be printed to display the runs, you'll have to separate the top hand from the bottom hand in order to use compress (/). But up until that point, you should be working on the higher-dimensional structure rather than doing everything as pairs of similar commands. EXTRA CREDIT is available if you implement a more sophisticated scoring scheme, in which A,K,Q,J, and 10 (T) are worth 3 points each; 9, 8, 7, 6 are two points each; and 5, 4, 3, and 2 are one point each. So, in HAND1, PLAYER1's JT98 run is worth 3+3+2+2, AKQ is worth 3+3+3, and T98 is worth 3+2+2, for a total of 26. For HAND1, the output would then look like: PLAYER1 JT982AKQT98T834 JT98 AKQ T98 26 SSSSSHHHHHHDDDC SSSS HHH HHH PLAYER2 AKQ7657427JT987 AKQ 765 JT987 26 SSSSSSHHHDCCCCC SSS SSS CCCCC Make sure you change the 'No' to a 'Yes' in the 'ident' checklist if you want to get the extra credit for this 'fancy scoring' option! Another EXTRA CREDIT option (if you do it RIGHT; see below): locate, print, and score 3- and 4-of-a-kind sets in each hand. For example, PLAYER1 in HAND1 has three tens and three eights, and so the HAND1 scoring would look like: PLAYER1 JT982AKQT98T834 JT98 AKQ T98 TTT 888 41 SSSSSHHHHHHDDDC SSSS HHH HHH SHD SHD PLAYER2 AKQ7657427JT987 AKQ 765 JT987 7777 35 SSSSSSHHHDCCCCC SSS SSS CCCCC SHDC (Note that several cards, like the ten of spades, contribute twice to the point totals. If you were not also doing the fancier scoring, the totals for these two hands would be 16 and 15 instead of the 41 and 35 shown above.) HOWEVER, to get any credit, you MUST use the outer product operator and compute this portion of the score in parallel for each of the 13 face values, and for both hands, all at once. [You'll find that using o.= multiple times makes this trivial (where 'o' is the tiny circle you get with the J key, NOT the bigger circle you get with the O key -- the bigger circle is for trig functions).] Here is the proper output for: HAND2 SCORE 0 PLAYER1 KQJT96432AKQ32AK98K32 KQJT9 432 AKQ 11 SSSSSSSSSHHHHHDDDDCCC SSSSS SSS HHH PLAYER2 865JT985JT765432AQJT5 JT98 765432 QJT 13 SSSHHHHHDDDDDDDDCCCCC HHHH DDDDDD CCC ...or if you do all the extra credit, it would look like: PLAYER1 KQJT96432AKQ32AK98K32 KQJT9 432 AKQ KKKK 333 222 44 SSSSSSSSSHHHHHDDDDCCC SSSSS SSS HHH SHDC SHC SHC PLAYER2 865JT985JT765432AQJT5 JT98 765432 QJT JJJ TTT 5555 49 SSSHHHHHDDDDDDDDCCCCC HHHH DDDDDD CCC HDC HDC SHDC WHAT TO HAND IN: 1) You MUST have your APL workspace, named ~/Two/P2.dws in place by the due date (and it MUST be a different size than ~cs320/Two/P2.dws, indicating that you actually added something to my initial workspace!) My automation will make a copy of this on the due date, which I will test 'by hand' (making sure SCORE gives the right output for HAND1 and HAND2, that DEAL works, etc.) 2) A printout of your ident, DEAL and SCORE functions, which you MUST submit at the BEGINNING of class the next day (the day after I do the electronic collection of the workspace; see ~cs320/calendar for the current due dates). See assignment2 for printing hints. Make sure that the ident that you print has the proper 'Yes' entries for the extra credit options you wish to have graded. [Put ident first on the pages you submit, but also think about making it easy to pick your graded paper out of the pile later on -- writing you name up at the top will definitely make it easier to find...] EXTRA CREDIT: The file called ~/Two/GradeEarly (note the odd capitalization) is intended to signal that you have completed the project a week early, and wish to take advantage of this extra credit reward. The contents of the file are immaterial; the autograder will only test for the existence of this file. If the file has been created by the 120% deadline, your project will be picked up for grading at that time (so no further changes to your code or documentation will be possible). Your score will be augmented by 20% (for example, if you would have normally received 70% of the points, you will instead qualify for 84% of the points possible). If you added functionality to get extra credit (say, 130%), then if you turn THAT in early, you've earned 156% -- and the extra points won't go to waste; they can boost your exam scores, if needed. GRADING CONSIDERATIONS: Don't forget that you're using an array-manipulation language. In our APL samples, there were no loops demonstrated; whatever we needed to do, we did in parallel. If you wind up processing each of the two hands in turn, you're not really learning how to use APL, and your grade will reflect that failure (doing things piecemeal is better than doing nothing, but not a whole lot better). DEAL and SCORE could be one-line functions [I don't recommend putting everything on one line, but it's possible]. Make sure you understand how to make use of an outer product (Page 118); it lets you do far more than any sane person would reasonably expect. (Don't confuse the symbol above the j [the one you need] with the symbol above the o [which does trig functions].) I've shown you a dozen ways to produce something as trivial as the evens with APL; if two students turn in similar solutions to these complicated tasks, don't expect to convince me this could happen by coincidence. TIME-MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES: The tutorial in the class notes shows what happens when you type everything perfectly, and always use the syntax correctly. Your first experiences with APL might be slightly less perfect. You are likely to get some head-scratching errors, and get some output that is not at all what you expected. I can help explain what APL is telling you, but if you try to do the entire assignment in the last week, you'll run across far more roadblocks than you will have time to ask about. START EARLY! Strive for the extra-credit deadline. If you finish by then, you can do the simpler version of the assignment and still score over 100% [once the extra credit is added on]. For many of you, you'll find that you'll really need to invest more time than you thought to get it done -- and it's better to discover that while you still have a week to complete it.