Start R
There is time series data in a file test.series
You can use the scan and ts R commmands to read and make your data an object of class time series.
> test <- scan("")
> test.ts <- ts(test)
Now, you can make all the appropriate time series plots!
What model would you fit to the data?
> help(ar)
Let's run one of the examples in the help function!
How about,
> ar(lh)
> help(arima)
As far as I can tell, there are no model diagnostics for ar. What should you look for?
Simulate and fit ARIMA(2,1,2)
Let's look at sample code in arimasim.r
How well did the model fit the data?
What are the estimated parameters?
> help(lh)
Let's look at the sample code in lh1.r
What models would you try to fit?
Let's look at the sample code in lh2.r
Which is the best model?
For a more complete dataset: diggle
> help(sunspots)
> help(sunspot.month)
Let's look at sample code in sunspot.r
As far as I can tell, there are no model diagnostics for ar. What should you look at?
Fit a model with the arima Call the fit sunfit2 For model diagnostics for arima function try:
> tsdiag(sunfit2)