Non-parametric bootstrapping USAGE: bootstrap(x,nboot,theta,..., func=NULL) ARGUMENTS: x: a vector containing the data. To bootstrap more complex data structures (e.g bivariate data) see the last example below. nboot: The number of bootstrap samples desired. theta: function to be bootstrapped. Takes x as an argument, and may take additional arguments (see below and last example). ...: any additional arguments to be passed to theta func: (optional) argument specifying the functional the distribution of thetahat that is desired. If func is specified, the jackknife after-bootstrap estimate of its standard error is also returned. See example below. VALUE: list with the following components: thetastar: the nboot bootstrap values of theta func.thetastar: the functional func of the bootstrap distribution of thetastar, if func was specified jack.boot.val: the jackknife-after-bootstrap values for func, if func was specified the jackknife-after-bootstrap standard error estimate of func, if func was specified REFERENCES: Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. (1986). The bootstrap method for standard errors, confidence intervals, and other measures of statistical accuracy. Statistical Science, Vol 1., No. 1, pp 1-35. Efron, B. (1992) Jackknife-after-bootstrap standard errors and influence functions. J. Roy. Stat. Soc. B, vol 54, pages 83-127 Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. (1993) An Introduction to the Bootstrap. Chapman and Hall, New York, London. EXAMPLES: # 100 bootstraps of the sample mean # (this is for illustration; since "mean" is a # built in function, bootstrap(x,100,mean) would be simpler!) x <- rnorm(20) theta <- function(x){mean(x)} results <- bootstrap(x,100,theta) # as above, but also estimate the 95th percentile # of the bootstrap dist'n of the mean, and # its jackknife-after-bootstrap standard error perc95 <- function(x){quantile(x, .95)} results <- bootstrap(x,100,theta, func=perc95) # To bootstrap functions of more complex data structures, # write theta so that its argument x # is the set of observation numbers # and simply pass as data to bootstrap the vector 1,2,..n. # For example, to bootstrap # the correlation coefficient from a set of 15 data pairs: xdata <- matrix(rnorm(30),ncol=2) n <- 15 theta <- function(x,xdata){ cor(xdata[x,1],xdata[x,2]) } results <- bootstrap(1:n,20,theta,xdata)