Contents contains the core documentation for Perl version 5.8.7, in HTML and PDF formats.
If you are new to the Perl language, good places to start reading are the introduction and overview at perlintro, and the extensive FAQ section, which provides answers to over 300 common questions.
Site features
Fast page lookup
For quicker navigation, enter any Perl function, manpage, or core module name into the search box to jump directly to the appropriate section (full search results will still be available).
Highlighting and linking of code examples
The Perl documentation contains thousands of examples of Perl code. These feature syntax highlighting and linking of function / module names to their respective documentation pages, e.g.
#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $greeting = "Hello, World!"; print $greeting,"\n"; # Say hello
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The complete documentation set is available to download for off-line use.
Full version - contains HTML and PDF files (16Mb download).
Lite version - contains HTML files only (3Mb download).
As well as the documentation pages, the perldoc search engine is also included in the above downloads. No installation is required, just unpack the archive and open the index.html file in your web browser.
To obtain Perl itself, please go to