ncc 2.7 - see doc/CHANGES for the new stuff WHATIS ====== Basically, ncc is a tool for hackers designed to provide program analysis data of C source code. That is program flow and usage of variables. Some big programs out there are by default obfuscated, either due to extreme size, programming style, hacks upon hacks and other crazyness. In order to do program analysis correctly, there has to be compilation of expressions, and thus ncc is really a compiler (supporting zero architectures). At the same time, ncc is small and easy to understand so you can hack it and add custom features and extensions at any stage of the compilation, to match what you expect and consider useful as output. Most common GNU extensions are supported and there has been an effort be practically useful in the GNU system (which is not easy because the GNU system is very gcc-friendly). The goal is to be able to replace 'ncc' in Makefiles and work with the big open source projects. In the latest versions of ncc, some advanced analysis features have been implemented and they are about pointer-to-function variables and the values assigned to them. The sample files doc/fptrs.c and doc/farg.c can be analysed with ncc to demonstrate what can be done there. In version 2.0 ncc can emulate the linker behavior to join ncc output files and can also act as a wrapper for some binutils programs that are used for linking. INSTALL ======= Either 'make install' as root, or: 1. 'make' and the file ncc should appear in objdir/ 2. Copy the file doc/nognu to /usr/include. This file is used to fix some madness of libc header files and remove some GNU extensions which violate the C grammar and can be removed without problems. If you don't want to copy it to /usr/include, edit config.h and recompile. 3. With make the file 'nccnav' should also appear in nccnav. Copy this file to /usr/bin and make a symbolic link nccnavi -> nccnav if you want auto-indent Invoking ncc ------------ USAGE ===== The simple way to use ncc on a C program hello.c, is with the command : ncc hello.c The default output (at stdout) is that for every function defined in hello.c the following things are reported : - function calls - pointer to function assigned values - use of global variables - use of members of structures The latter has been proved very useful in understanding what a function actually does. The options of ncc start with "-nc". with "-ncmv" each use of global variable, function or member of structure is reported multiple times as used. This is a way to understand better how the code works, by looking the use of variables between function calls. -nccnav can't display that- with "-nchelp" help is displayed on the -nc options. with "-ncoo" the output goes to a file sourcefile.c.nccout with "-ncld" the output goes to a file sourcefile.o.nccout or to the file specified with the command line option "-c" and the extension nccout. Moreover in this mode ncc does linker emulation. Described below. with "-ncspp" the preprocessed file is kept in sourcefile.i with "-ncfabs" absolute pathnames are reported. with "-ncnoerror" if there are syntax errors in expressions ncc will link the function with a special "NCC:syntax_error()" function instead of terminating the compilation. STUDYING THE OUTPUT & PROGRAM ANALYSIS ======================================== ncc is a very useful tool in exploring programs but equally useful is the included program `nccnav'. The output of ncc is such that can be easilly loaded by some other graphical viewer. nccnav can do this and has some nice features like the recursion detector. So once you learn HOW to run ncc on programs, make sure to read nccnav/README. The output can also be viewed using the graphviz program. See the section GRAPHVIZ below. GCC-PREPROCESSING ================= ncc uses gcc for preprocessing because the standard library headers eventually need some other architecture specific header which are somewhere where gcc knows where. Any options starting with -D and -I will be passed to gcc for preprocessing. Generally, because ncc should be able to work from makefiles instead of gcc, all options unless starting with '-nc' produce no error (and may be even passed to gcc in a special mode). The files compiled with ncc, will have the __GCC__ macro defined, because many programs are written for gcc and take some gcc extensions for granted. ncc additionally defines __NCC__ macro. (example) HACKING mpg123 ======================== This one is easy (because it's done "the right way", programs are exponential: the number of tasks a program can do is N^2 if N are the lines of code. Thus any program of more than 50000 lines has probably design flaws (unless it's device drivers)) Anyway, to view the calls of mpg123, the command is: for a in *.c; do ncc $a -ncoo; done cat *.nccout > nccnav or alternativelly: ncc *.c > HACKING BIGGER PROGRAMS ======================= The obvious way is to use make with ncc, so that the required -D and -I options are invoked, and only the right files are compiled (if there are depenencies). Normally, changing "CC=gcc" to "CC=ncc -ncoo" would be enough. But alas! some times it isn't. Sometimes the make procedure expects object files which ncc does not produce and it may fail. This can be prevented with 'make -i' where make ignores errors. Some other programs compile and run helpers during make. If all else fails, the last resort that always works, is using the "-ncgcc" option. with "-ncgcc", ncc will also run gcc in parallel with all it's options except the -nc ones. So nobody will understand that ncc was even run and the makefiles will be happy. It takes 1000% more time, but computers do get faster every day. In this case, it is generally a good idea to remove any '-O2 -g' options. Make sure you read doc/TROUBLES if you're going to use ncc in big GNU projects (and not only). hacking.LINUX-KERNEL, hacking.GCC, hacking.GLIBC, and other files in doc/ have specific instructions on using ncc on some *really big* programs which may need a couple of tricks to get it done. LINKER EMULATION ================ The best job is done by using ncc in the makefile in parallel with the normal compilation. For serious work, use CC=ncc -ncgcc -ncld -ncspp -ncfabs The option "-ncld" instructs ncc to attempt to link ncc output files as gcc would create object files. For example, the command ncc -ncld -ncgcc -c file1.c will generate the files "file1.o" and "file1.o.nccout" The command ncc -ncld -ncgcc file2.c file1.o -o myprog will generate the files "myprog" and "myprog.nccout", where the second file will be the analysis of file2.c plus the file file1.o.nccout. Moreover, ncc can be called as "nccar", "nccld", "nccg++" and "nccc++". In this case, the corresponding program will be called normally with all the options passed and then ncc will attempt to locate object files with the extension 'nccout' and link them in a bigger nccout file. So it's even better to say AR = nccar LD = nccld CXX = nccg++ The advantage of this method is that we don't have to collect the nccout files afterwards. Usually all the right files will have been concatenated into one big nccout file at the end of compilation. This method works best when gcc is used to link the object files, and also works pretty well with ar and ld. However, there are projects out there that use crazy Makefiles and libtool, that need special hacks to achieve this. Output Details -------------- POINTERS TO FUNCTIONS ===================== ncc does not only report which pointer to function variables are called, but also which values are assigned to them. Pointers to functions are reported as pseudo-functions which call *all* the values assigned to them. So the caller -> callee relation is different. While the code of a normal function calls all its callees, a pointer to function will call any one of its callees. RELEVANT NOTES ============== - Anonymous typedef'd structures are automatically named after the typedef. For example: typedef struct { int x, y; } Point; int main () { Point P; P.x = 3; } ncc will report that 'main' uses member 'x' of structure 'Point', although the structure is really anonymous. Conflicts *should* be extremely rare. TROUBLESHOOTING =============== Thanks to open source, there are infinitive test cases. ncc has been tested with: linux kernel 2.2 (partial according to depend), Imagemagick, gcc, Doom (you gotta see this source!), xanim, mpg123, bladeenc, bzip2, gtk, gnu-fileutils, less, mpeg_play, nasm, ncftp, vim, sox, bind, gdb, flames, xrick (Rick Dangerous!), inform (Text adventure language), linux kernel 2.4.20, zsh, zile, emacs, gnuchess, bash, python, elinks, linux kernel 2.6.9, pygame, jamvm, perl5, linux 2.17, gcc 4.2, 7.1, git, qemu, ffmpeg, libjpeg, openssh although these programs are correct and ncc lacks testing on finding errors on programs with syntax errors. In the case ncc complains about syntax errors or segfaults, check out the file TROUBLES for the way to hunt down the bug. Sometimes just adding something to nognu macros is enough to continue the compilations. Viewers ------- CODEVIZ ======= CodeViz is a collection of C/C++ analysis tools by Mel Gorman. See The CodeViz perl scripts recognize the .nccout format of ncc. If you have concatenated all the .nccout files of a projects to say 'everything.nccout' You can do: genfull -g cncc -f everything.nccout to generate the full.graph file. Then: gengraph -f some_function -d depth to generate a nice postscript graph of the call tree. GRAPHVIZ ======== Jose Vasconcellos has sent a python script which converts ncc output to dot data. The dot command is part of the Graphviz package and it's used by codeviz to generate the graph. More about graphviz at: The script scripts/ can be called like this: main | dot -Tsvg -o graph.svg to generate a nice SVG graph of the callgraph. The zgrviewer at is great for viewing large graphs. Still, it's a good idea to specify depth because some graphs are **really** big:) THEREST ======= Program written & Copyright (C) Stelios Xanthakis 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Distributed under the terms of the Artistic License. e-mail: ncc latest download: Many contributions and feedback from Scott McKellar who now is the other person who knows `how ncc works'. Additional hacks for kernel 2.6 by Ben Lau is Copyright (C) 2004 Jose Vasconcellos and GPL. Also thanks to: Sylvain Beucler, Anuradha Weeraman, Florian Larysch, Deepak Ravi, Thomas Petazzoni, Adam Shostack, Hakon Lovdal, Awesome Walrus