



128.  Lui, K.-J. (2019).  Asymptotic and Exact Interval Estimators of the Common Odds Ratio under the Sequential Parallel Comparison Design.  Institute of Public Health, Yang-Ming University, May 31.


127.  Lui, K.-J. (2019).  Asymptotic and Exact Interval Estimators of the Common Odds Ratio under the Sequential Parallel Comparison Design.  Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, March 6.


126.  Lui, K.-J. (2019).  Notes on Power Comparison between the Sequential Parallel Comparison and Other Commonly-used Designs.  Instutite of Statistics, Academia Sinica, January 14.


125.  Lui, K.-J. (2019).  Notes on the Two-Stage Procedure under an Incomplete Block Two-Period Crossover Design.   Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University, January 9.


124.  Lui, K.-J. (2018).  Exact Tests under the Sequential Parallel Comparison Design.  Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University, May 23.


123.  Lui, K.-J. (2018).  Asymptotic and Exact Interval Estimators of the Common Odds Ratio under the Sequential Parallel Comparison Design.  Instutite of Statistics, Academia Sinica, May 21.


122.  Lui, K.-J. (2016).  Testing Equality in Ordinal Data with Repeated Measurements: A Model-Free Approach.  Instutite of Statistics, Academia Sinica. June 3 (invited). 


121.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2016).  Exact Tests in Binary data under an Incomplete Complete Block Crossover Design.  Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University. June 1 (invited). 


120.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2016).  Exact Tests in Binary data under an Incomplete Complete Block Crossover Design.  Institute of Statistics, National Central University. May 31 (invited). 


119.  Zhu, L. and Lui, K.-J.  (2016). Prescott Test in Binary Data under a Three-Period Crossover Design. Computational Sciences and Engineering and Commputational Science Curriculum Development, San Diego State Univresity, April 15.


118.  Lui, K.-J.  (2016). Biostatistics in Scientific Investigation. Department of Statistics and Information Science. Fu-Jen Catholic University. May 30 (invited).


117.  Lui, K.-J.  (2015). Parallel Groups Design Versus Crossover Design: Definitions, Ideas and Limitation. Department of Health Care and Management. Taipei Medical University, May 14 (invited).


116.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. and Lin, C.-D. (2015).  Testing Equality and Interval Estimation of the Generalized Odds Ratio in Ordinal Data under a Three-Period Crossover Design.  Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine. National Taiwan University. May 13 (invited). 


115.   Lui, K.-J.  (2015). Parallel Groups Design Versus Crossover Design: Definitions, Ideas and Limitation. Department of Statistics and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University, May 13 (invited).


114.  Lui, K.-J. Cumberland, W.G. and Chang, K.-C. (2015).  Notes on Testing Equality in binary Data under a Three Period Crossover Design.  Department of Statistics, National Taipei University. May 6 (invited). 


113.  Lui, K.-J.  (2015). Parallel Groups Design Versus Crossover Design: Definitions, Ideas and Limitation. Department of Statistics, Tunghai University, May 5 (invited).   

112.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2014).  Notes on Testing Equality and Interval Estimation in Poisson Frequency Data

under a Three-Treatment Three-Period Crossover Trial, International Indian Statistical Statistical Conference, Riverside, CA, July 11-July 13 (invited).     


111.  Lui, K.-J. (2014).  Introduction to the Crossover Design.  Department of Statistics and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University, New Taipei, May 28 (invited).


110.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2014).  Testing Equality and Interval Estimation in Binary Responses When the High Dose Cannot be Administered First under

a Three-Period Crossover Trial, Institute of Statistics, National Chao Tung University, May 28 (invited).   


109.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2014).  Notes on Testing Equality and Interval Estimation in Poisson Frequency Data

under a Three-Treatment Three-Period Crossover Trial, Statistical Education Center, National Taiwan university, Taipei, May 27 (Invited).   


108  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2014).  Testing Equality and Interval Estimation in Binary Responses When the High Dose Cannot be Administered First under

a Three-Period Crossover Trial, Institute of Statistics, Academic Sinica, Taipei, May 26, 2014 (invited).  


107.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2014).  Notes on Testing Equality and Interval Estimation in Poisson Frequency Data

under a Three-Treatment Three-Period Crossover Trial, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, San Diego, Feb 5..  


106.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2013).  Testing Equality and Interval Estimation in Binary Responses When the High Dose Cannot be Administered First under

a Three-Period Crossover Trial, San Diego Chapter, American Statistical Association, San Diego, Oct 16 (invited).  


105.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2013).  Analysis of Poisson Frequency Data under a Simple Crossover Trial.  Department of Applied Mathematics, National Cheng Chi University,

Taipei, Taiwan, May 27 (invited). 


104.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2013). Notes on Testing Non-inferiority in Multivariate Binary Data under the Matched-Pair Design. Department of Health Care Management,

Chang Gung University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 27 (invited).


103.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2013).  Analysis of Poisson Frequency Data under a Simple Crossover Trial. Department of Applied Statistics and Information Science,

Ming Chuan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, May 24 (invited).


102.  Lui, K.-J.  (2013).  An Application of Inverse Sampling in Epidemiology. Department of Statistics and Information Science, Fu-Jen Catholic University, New Taipei, Taiwan, May 22 (invited).


101.  Lui, K.-J. (2013). Analysis of Poisson Frequency Data under a Simple Crossover Trial. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, March 28.


100. Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2012).  Hypothesis Testing and Estimation in Ordinal Data under a Simple Crossover Design. Joint Statistical Meetings, American

Statistical Association, San Diego, California, July 28-August 2. 


99.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C (2012).  A Semi-Parametric Approach to the Frequency of Occurrence under a Simple Crossover Trial. Department of Epidemiology

and Preventive Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, May 28 (invited).


98.  Lui, K.-J. (2012).  Biostatistics in Scientific Research.  National Central University, Jhongli, Taiwan, ROC, May 24 (invited).


97.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2012).  Hypothesis Testing and Estimation in Ordinal Data under a Simple Crossover Design.  National Sun Yat-Sen University,

Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 24 (invited).


96.  Lui, K.-J. (2012).  Biostatistics in Scientific Research.  Fu-Jen Catholic University, New Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, May 23 (invited).


95.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C (2012).  A Semi-Parametric Approach to the Frequency of Occurrence under a Simple Crossover Trial.  Institute of Public Health,

National Yang-Min University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, May 23 (invited).   


94.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C (2012).  A Semi-Parametric Approach to the Frequency of Occurrence under a Simple Crossover Trial.  Department of Statistics,

University of California, Riverside, April 24 (invited).


93.  Lui, K.-J. (2011).  A Discussion between Various Designs and Indices used in Epidemiology and Clinical Trials.  Department of Information Science and Statistics,

Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 3rd (invited).


92.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2011).  Sample Size Determination for Testing Equality in a Cluster Randomized Trial with Noncompliance.  Department of Statistics,

Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 3rd (invited).


91.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2011).  Test Non-Inferiority (and Equivalence) Based on the Odds Ratio under a Simple Crossover Trial. Department of Mathematics, 

National Kaohsiung Normal University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 31 (invited). 


90.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2011).  Test Non-Inferiority (and Equivalence) Based on the Odds Ratio under a Simple Crossover Trial.  National Cheng Chi University,

Taipei, Taiwan, May 30 (invited). 


89.  Lui, K.-J. (2011).  Binary Data Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials with Noncompliance: An Overview. Department of Information Science

and Statistics, Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 27th (invited).


88.  Lui, K.-J. (2010). Test non-inferiority (and equivalence) based on the odds ratio under a simple crossover trial.  Department of

Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, Dec.1st.    


87. Lui, K.-J. (2009). Estimation of Risk Ratio in a Randomized Clinical Trial with Noncompliance in Trichotomous Dose Levels. Department of

Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, Oct 23.   


86. Lui, K.-J. (2009).  Notes on Estimation Issues in a Randomized Clinical Trial with Noncompliance, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan,

June 2nd (invited).


85.  Lui, K.-J. (2009).  Notes on Estimation Issues in a Randomized clinical Trial with Noncompliance.  Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1st



84.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K-C. (2009).  Interval Estimation of Odds Ratio in a Stratified Randomized Clinical Trial with Noncompliance.  Academia

Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, June 1st (invited).


83.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2009). Estimation of Risk Ratio in a Randomized Clinical Trial with Noncompliance in Trichotomous Dose Levels.

The 6th Sino-International Symposium on Probability, Statistics and Quantitative Management.  Fo Guang University, Jiaosi, Yilan County, Taiwan,

May 30 (invited keynote speaker). 


82.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2009). Estimation of Risk Ratio in a Noncompliance Randomized Clinical Trial with Trichotomous Dose Levels.  .
University of California, Riverside, Feb 10 (invited).            

81.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2008). Sample Size Determination for Assessing Equivalence Based on Proportion
Ratio under A Randomized Trial with Noncompliance and Missing Outcomes.  Academia Sinica, January 11 (invited).           

80.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2008). Test Equality and Sample Size Calculation Based on Risk Difference in a
Randomized Clinical Trial with Noncompliance and Missing Outcomes. I-Shou University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, January 10th (invited).   

79.  Lui, K.-J. (2008). Notes on Hypothesis Testing in Phase II Trial.  Department of Information and Statistics,
Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, January 9th (invited).               

78.  Lui, K.-J. and Chang, K.-C. (2008). Test Equality and Sample Size Calculation Based on Risk Difference in a Randomized
Clinical Trial with Noncompliance and Missing Outcomes. Division of Biostatistics, National Taiwan University, January 9th.(invited).

77.  Lui, K.-J. (2007). Estimation of the Risk Difference under a Noncompliance Randomized .
Clinical Trial with Missing Outcomes.  Chinese Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, May 31 (invited).          

76.  Lui, K.-J. (2007). Number Needed to Treat: Definition, usefulness, Limitations, and Its Relevant Use.
Department of Information and Statistics, Fu-Jen University, May 30 (invited).       

75.  Lui, K.-J. (2007). Interval Estimation of the Risk Difference in Noncompliance Randomized Trials with Repeated
Measurements, Division of Biostatistics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 30 (invited). 

74.  Lui, K.-J. (2007). Test Homogeneity of the Risk Ratio in Stratified Noncompliance Randomized Trials.
Department of Mathematics, TamKang University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 29 (invited).            

73.  Lui, K.-J. (2007). Estimation of the Risk Difference under a Noncompliance Randomized Clinical
with Missing Outcomes.  Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, May 2.        

72.  Lui, K.-J. (2006). A Note on Hypothesis Test in Binary Data under the Single-Consent.
Randomized Design. Department of Mathematics, National Central University, May 25 (invited).        

71.  Lui, K.-J. (2006). Sample Size Calculation for Non-Compliance Randomized Trials with Repeated Measurements
in binary Data.  Department of Mathematics, National Kaohsiung Normal University, May 25 (invited).        

70.  Lui, K.-J. (2006). Interval Estimation of Risk Ratio in the Simple Non-compliance Randomized Trials.
Department of Information and Statistics, Fu-Jen University, May 24 (invited).       

69.  Lui, K.-J. (2006). Sample Size Calculation Based on Risk Ratio under Multiple Matching.
Department Biostatistics, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, January 11 (invited).      

68.  Lui, K.-J. (2005). Procedures for Testing the Homogeneity of Relative Difference in Sparse Data.
Department of Mathematics, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan, June 1 (invited).      

67.  Lui, K.-J. (2005). Commonly Used Epidemiological Risks, Their Usefulness, Relationships, and Limitations.
The 2nd Sino-International Symposium on Probability, Statistics and Quantitative Management, Taipei, Taiwan, May 28 (invited keynote speaker).

66. Lui, K.-J. (2005). Estimation of Attributable Risk in Multiple Exposure Levels for the Case-Control Study with Matched Pairs.
The International Chinese Association of Quantitative Management, Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 28 (invited).   

65.  Lui, K.-J. (2005). Estimation of Attributable Risk in Multiple Exposure Levels for the Case-Control Study with Matched Pairs.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, San Diego State University, San Diego, April 29, 2005.    

64.  Lui, K.-J. (2004). Interval Estimation of the Difference in Proportions under m-to-one Matching.
American Statistical Association, Toronto, August 8-12.    

63.  Lui, K.-J. (2003). Exact Sample Size Calculation for Equivalence Test under Poisson Distribution.
San Diego Chapter, American Statistical Association, UCSD, February 27 (invited).    .

62.  Lui, K.-J. (2003). Eight Interval Estimators of Rate Ratio under Stratified Poisson Sampling.
American Statistical Association, San Francisco, August 3-7.   

61.  Lui, K.-J. (2003). Interval Estimation of Generalized Odds Ratio in Data with Repeated Measurements.
University of California, San Diego, April 11 (invited).      

60.  Lui, K.-J. and Lin, C. D. (2002). Interval Estimation of Relative Difference in a Series of Independent
2x2 Tables, American Statistical Association, New York, August 10-15, 2003.  .    

59.  Lui, K.-J. (2002). Interval Estimation of Generalized Odds Ratio in Data with Repeated Measurements.
School of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, May 28 (invited).      

58.  Lui, K.-J. (2001). Notes on Testing Equality in Dichotomous Data with Matched Pairs.
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, San Diego State University, November 29.    

57.  Lui, K.-J. and Lin, C. D. (2001). Interval Estimation of Treatment Effects in Double Consent Randomized
Design, Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, San Diego State University, September 19. .    

56.  Lui, K.-J. and Lin, C. D. (2001). Interval Estimation of Treatment Effects in Double Consent randomized
design, American Statistical Association, Atlanta, GA, August 7.    

55.  Lui, K.-J. and Lin, C. D. (2001). Interval estimation of treatment effects in double consent randomized
design, School of Public Health, National Taiwan University, June 19 (invited).    

54.  Lui, K.-J. and Lin, C. D. (2001). Interval estimation of treatment effects in double consent randomized
design, Department of Biostatistics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, February 21 (invited). 

53.  Lui, K.-J. (2000). A note on interval estimation of the simple difference in data with  
correlated matched pairs, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, October 26. 

52.  Lui, K.-J. (2000). Notes in case-control studies with matched pairs under inverse 
sampling, Department of Biostatistics, University of California, Los Angeles, CA, May 31 (invited). 

51.  Lui, K.-J. (2000). Notes in Case-Control Studies with Matched-Pairs under Inverse Sampling. 
School of Public Health, National Taiwan University, March 7 (invited). 

50.  Lui, K.-J. (2000). Notes on Life Table Analysis in Correlated Observations. National Health 
Research Institutes, Taipei, Taiwan, January 10 (invited). 

49.  Lui, K.-J. (2000). Interval Estimation of the Ratio between the Secondary Infection Given the 
Primary Infection and the Primary Infection. National Health Research Institutes, Taipei, 
Taiwan, January 10 (invited).

48.  Lui, K.-J. (1998). Conditional Estimation and Exact Test of the Common Relative Difference in 
Combination of 2x2 Tables under Inverse Sampling, University of California, Riverside, CA, 
February 17 (invited) 

47.  Lui, K.-J. (1997). Interval Estimation on the Risk Ratio between the Secondary Infection Given 
the Primary Infection and the Primary Infection, American Statistical Association, Anaheim, 

46.  Lui, K.-J. (1997). Asymptotic Interval Estimators of the Simple Difference in the Sampling with 
Matched-Pairs. Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, November 20.

45.  Lui, K.-J. (1997). Interval Estimation on the Risk Ratio between the Secondary Infection Given 
the Primary Infection and the Primary Infection, Department of Mathematical Sciences, San 
Diego State University, November 6. 

44.  Lui, K.-J. (1997). Conditional Estimation and Exact Test of the Common Relative Difference in 
Combination of 2x2 Tables under Inverse Sampling, Department of Mathematical Sciences, San 
Diego State University, May 13. 

43.  Lui, K.-J. (1996). Sample Size Determination for Repeated Measurements in Continuous Data,
International Chinese Statistical Symposium Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. 

42.  Lui, K.-J. (1996). Notes on Conditional Confidence Limits under Inverse Sampling, Centers for 
Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, on June 11 (invited).

41.  Lui, K.-J. (1996). Sample Size Determination for Cohort Studies Studies under an Exponential 
Covariate Model with Grouped Data, Pfizer Inc., Groton, CT, on June 6 (invited). 

40.  Lui, K.-J. (1995). Confidence Limits on the Ratio of the Mean Failure Times Based on Paired 
Exponential Observations, on November, 15, 1995, Department of Biostatistics, UCLA, CA 

39.  Lui, K.-J. (1995). Notes on Conditional Confidence Limits under Inverse Sampling, Department 
of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, on October 26. 

38.  Lui, K.-J. (1995). “Notes in Case-Control Studies with Matched Pairs under Inverse Sampling", 
Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, on March 22. 

37.  Lui, K.-J. (1994). An Application of A Conditional Logistic Regression to Study the 
Effectiveness of Safety Belts, the Principal Impact Points, and Car Weights on Drivers' Fatality, 
Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, on November 3.

36.  Lui, K.-J. (1994). Confidence Limits for the Population Prevalence Rate based on the Negative-
Binomial Distribution (inverse Sampling), Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego 
State University, San Diego, CA, on October 6. 

35.  Lui, K.-J. (1994). The Performance of the O'Brien and Fleming Multiple Testing Procedure in 
the Presence of Intraclass Correlation, Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State 
University, San Diego, CA, on May 12. 

34.  Lui, K.-J. (1994). The Effect of Retaining Probability Variation on Sample Size Calculations for 
Normal Variates, Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, 
CA, on April 28. 

33.  Lui, K.-J. (1993). A Group Sequential Method for One Standard Control and More than One 
Experimental Treatment, Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, 
San Diego, CA, on October 28. 

32.  Lui, K.-J. (1993). Sample Size Determination for Multiple Continuous Risk Factors in Case-
Control Studies, Biostatistics and Epidemiology Applications Conference and Hail-Fellow VIII, 
San Diego, California. 

31.  Lui, K.-J. (1993). Sample Size Determination under An Exponential Model in the Presence of A 
Confounder and Type I Censoring, Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State 
University, San Diego, CA, on February 25. 

30.  Lui, K.-J. (1992). Sample Size Determination for Cohort Studies under Exponential Covariate 
Model with Grouped Data, American Statistical Association, Boston, Massachusetts. 

29.  Lui, K.-J. (1992). A Note on The Application of Simple Linear Regression Methods for Trend 
Detection at Multiple Sites and Visits, Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State 
University, San Diego, CA, on April 2. 

28.  Lui, K.-J. (1991). Sample Size Determination for Multiple Continuous Risk Factors in Case-
Control Studies, American Statistical Association, Atlanta, Georgia. 

27.  Lui, K.-J. (1991). An Application of Proportional Hazards Model to Study the Recurrent Time 
between Traffic Accidents or Infractions and Subsequent Fatal Automobile Crashes, 1986-1988, 
Department of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, on October 3. 

26.  Lui, K.-J. (1991). Sample Sizes Determination for Case-Control Studied: the Influence of the 
Joint Distribution of Exposure and Confounder, Department of Health, The Executive Yuan, 
Republic of China, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C, August (invited).

25.  Lui, K.-J. (1991). Sample Sizes for Repeated Measurements in Dichotomous Data, Department 
of Mathematical Sciences, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA, on February 28. 

24.  Lui, K.-J. (1990). A Study of the Recurrent Time between Previous Traffic Infractions and 
Subsequent Fatal Automobile Crashes, 1984-1986, American Statistical Association, San Diego 
Chapter, San Diego, California. 

23.  Lui, K.-J. and Marchbanks, P. A. (1990). A Study of the Recurrent Time between Previous 
Traffic Infractions and Subsequent Fatal Automobile Crashes, 1984-1986, International Statistical 
Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C..

22.  Lui, K.-J. (1990). Sample Sizes Determination for Case-Control Studied: the Influence of the 
Joint Distribution of Exposure and Confounder, Department of Mathematical Sciences, San 
Diego State University, San Diego, CA, on October 11. 

21.  Marchbanks, P., Saltzman, L., Lui, K.-J. (1989). Homicide as Cause of Childhood Injury in the 
United Stated, 1976-1987, Society for Epidemiologic Research, Birmingham, Alabama. 

20.  Martinez, B. F. , Lui, K.-J., Annest, L., et al. (1989). Using the SAS System for Empirical Bayes 
Estimation & Mapping of Suicide Rates in California, SAS Users Group International Conference, 
San Francisco, California.

19.  Lui, K.-J. (1989). Risk of Developing AIDS in Homosexual and Bisexual Men, 
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Fu-Jen University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., July. 

18.  Lui, K.-J. (1989). The Mean Incubation Period in Homosexual, Bisexual Men and the 
Transfusion-Associated AIDS, Department of Health, The Executive Yuan, Republic of China, 
Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., July (invited).

17.  Lui, K.-J. (1989). Applications of Biostatistical Methods on Different Epidemiologic 
Topics, Department of Preventive Medicine, Beijing, China, May 2-19, 1989 (invited). 

16.  Lui, K.-J. (1989). Sample Sizes of Case-Control Study with Multiple Controls per Case: 
Dichotomous Data, CDC Division of Injury Epidemiology Seminars, Atlanta, Georgia.

15.  Lui, K.-J. (1988). A Model-Based Comparison of Perinatal & Transfusion-Associated 
AIDS Incubation Periods: in New Borns, American Statistical Association, New Orleans, 

14.  Lui, K.-J. and Cumberland, W. G. (1988). A Composite Estimator: for Small Area Estimation, 
American Statistical Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. 

13.  Jason, J., Lui, K.-J., Ragni, M.V., et al. (1988). Risk of Developing AIDS in HIV-Infected 
Cohorts of Hemophiliac and Homosexual Men, IV International Conference on AIDS, Stockholm, 

11.  Marchbanks, P., Lui, K.-J., Mercy, J. (1988). Self Protection and the Risk of Non-fatal Injury 
Associated with Rape, Society for Epidemiologic Research, Vancouver British Columbia, Canada. 

10.  Lui, K.-J. and Rudy, R. K. (1988). An Application of A Mathematical Model to Adjust Time 
Lag in Case Reporting. Statistical Symposium at Centers for Disease Control. Atlanta, Georgia. 

9.  Lui, K.-J. (1988). A Model-Based Estimate of the Mean Incubation Period for AIDS in 
Homosexual Men, CDC Statistical Seminars, Atlanta, Georgia.

8.  Peterman, T. A., Holmberg, S. D., Lui, K.-J. (1987). Transfusion-Associated AIDS in the United 
States, International Conference on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Washington D.C..

7.  Lui, K.-J. and Cumberland, W. G. (1987). A Bayesian Approach to Small Domain Estimation, 
American Statistical Association, San Francisco, California. 

6.  Mendlein, J. M., Sattin, R. W., Waxweiler, R. J., Lui, K.-J., and McGee, D. L. (1990). Fall 
Related Deaths Among the Elderly-Contribution of Underlying Medical Conditions, United 
States, 1979-1982, American Association of Public Health, New Orleans, Louisiana. 

5.  Lawrence, D. N., Lui, K.-J., Peterman, T. A. (1986). Characteristics of Incubation Periods in 
Pediatric Transfusion-Associated Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, International Conference 
on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Paris, France. 

4.  Peterman, T. A., Lui, K.-J., Lawrence, D. N. (1986). The Risk of Transfusion-Associated 
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, International Conference on Acquired Immunodeficiency 
Syndrome, Paris, France. 

3.  Arden, N., Patriarca, P., Fasano, M. B., Lui, K.-J., Harmon, M. W., Kendal, A. P., and 
Rimland, D. (1986). The Roles of Inactivated Influenza and Amantadine Hydrochloride (AH) in 
Controlling An outbreak of Influenza A(H3N2) on A Nursing Home, 26th ICAAC, New Orleans, 

2.  Lawrence, D. N., Lui, K.-J., Bregman, D. et al. (1985). A Model-Based Estimate of the Average 
Incubation and Latency Period for Transfusion-Associated AIDS, International Conference on 
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Atlanta, Georgia. 

1. Kim-Farley, R. J., Rutherford, G., Lichfield, P., Hsu, H.-T., Orenstein, W. A., Schonberger, L. 
B., Bart, K. J., Lui, K.-J., Lin, C.-C. (1983). Outbreak of Paralytic Poliomyelitis, Taiwan, 
American Public Health Association, Dallas, Texas.


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